Thursday, February 19, 2009

Carnival Recipes

Here are some traditional recipes for the famous sweets of last Carneval week.
An Italian dessert that brings Mardi Gras to your home! Crostoli is a dessert of ancient culinary traditions, synonymous with Mardi Gras, that is easy to prepare at home.
They have different names in each region of Italy: Chiacchere, Galani, Cenci, Nuvole


500 g flour
50g butter
4 eggs
4 spoons sugar
2 spoons brandy
8 gr. vanillina
Seed oil
Salt a pinch
Custard /icing sugar

Soften the butter, cut it in cubes, mix it with the flour ,eggs ,sugar, brandy vanilla and salt. Work it energetically for 10 minutes. Make a ball out of it and let it sit on the board ,covered by a bowl for half an hour .Work the dough again and using the rolling pin or a pasta machine, very fine. Cut it n rectangles ca. 5x 10 cm with the dough cutter
Heat the oil and cook the dough on both sides for 2 minutes till golden .Sprinkle them with custard/icing sugar .

300 ml. water
5 or 6 eggs
25 gr. sugar
150 gr. flour
50 gr. potato starch (or cornflour)
50 gr. butter
1 packet of vanilla
1 pinch salt
1 tea spoon baking powder
seed oil
confectionary sugar
( icing sugar)

Boil the water,with butter and salt. When it starts boiling,add the flour and the starch.Cook it other 5 minutes.Then add the sugar, vanillina ,one egg per time, baking powder. Amalgamate well. Fry spoon by spoon in deep oil.Serve sprinkled with confectionary sugar
( icing sugar).

Frittelle di Riso
150g rice "originario"
500 cc milk
2 large spoons sugar
2 eggs
2 spoons flower
a little piece of zest
1 grated lemon peel
30 g. little butter
50 g. raisins
a small glass of vin santo(or marsala,brandy ,rhum)
1 tea spoon baking power
seed oil
confectionary sugar (icing sugar.

Cook the rice in the boiling milk, with a glass of water, the sugar ,the butter ,the zest and a pinch of salt .Cook till it has absorbed all the liquid. Leave to cool.Mix the flower, the egg yolks, the grated lemon peel, the baking powder, the raisins and the vin santo into the cold rice. Wait an hour before adding the stiffly whisked egg whites. Fry all of it ,spoon by spoon , in deep oil. Sprinkle with confectionary sugar (icing sugar).

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