Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

The hours pass and you still have not decided how to impress your sweetheart? Do not panic! We help you with an idea for a simple and delicious cake for a tet-a-tet romantic.

Safron is such a versatile spice and can be added to  a wide range of Italian foods including pasta dishes,meat, bread and dessert.In Panna cotta to change  the pure white colour of the cream , in Biscotti di Prato / Cantucci as a contrast  to almonds .

Important is that only small quantities of saffron are required in cooking because of its strong flavour and colour.

Torta di ricotta and Zafferano is a  light recipe to enjoy the colour and taste of saffron.

Grounded saffron is mixed directly with the other ingredients,otherwise   squeeze a orange/lemon, warm the juice slightly and dissolve the saffron in it before mixing to the dough.

Ricotta Cheese & Safron Cake

250g flour

300g ricotta cheese

1 packet of saffron

250g sugar

3 eggs

Grated peel of 1 lemon

16 gr. baking powder 

0,5 gr. Vanilla powder 

1 pinch of salt

Decoration:icing sugar

Fruit amarena

Place the ricotta in a bowl with the sugar and work them together until you have a cream. Add the flour and the other ingredients  and  mix well. Add the egg yolks and the grated lemon peel  and  mix. Whisk the  egg whites stiffly and then gently mix them  with the prepared mixture.
 Then pour into a cake tin and  bake  in a pre-heated oven at 180°C  for 40-45 minutes.
Then remove the cake from the oven and leave it to cool. Transfer it  to a serving plate,dust with icing sugar and serve with  gelato and fruit marena on  a side.

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