Potato Gnocchi are small dumpling made from potatoes, flour and eggs. Gnocchi were born in Northern Italy but nowadays they are common in other regions of Italy as well. The secret behind a perfectly textured gnocchi is not to over work the dough.
When we went to school, Carnivale was always such an enjoyable time as we did nothing but talk about parties and costumes which only the most courageous dared to wear .But the last friday of Carnivale (‘venerdi grasso ’ as we say in Italian or ‘fat Friday!) was a very special day: our kitchen was invaded by trays covered with traditional Carnivale fare of dark bread paper, sprinkled with flour and hundreds of gnocchi.
Like a true Veronese, our mother never forgot gnocchi on that Friday, which is called “Gnocco Friday” in Verona
Gnocchi di Patate
1Kg potatoes
1 egg
Pinch of salt
250g flour
16gr packet of baking powder
Boil the potatoes, mash them and leave them to cool. Add the flour, salt, egg and baking powder. Knead together very quickly and shape the mixture into a ball.
Take small portions of pasta from the dough and place them on the rolling board. Make them into finger-sized cylinders.
Cut the cylinders into 2cm pieces.

Sauce: melted butter, gorgonzola, pesto, quattro formaggi, rocket (rucola), tomato sauce ,Taleggio cheese andchives, butter and sage
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